Torsdag 2008-10-30 00.00
HAVE YOU EVER............
Been in a relationship: Yes
Had a best friend: Have a lot of them
Been in a serious relationship: Yes, am in one
Ever been dating one of your best friends: Nope
Fell in love at first sight: No, but after a week of friendship
Got your heart broken: Not really
Kissed someone and then regretted it: No
Lied to your parents: Everybody has
Had any jewelry that cost more than 100€: nope
Ever hit anyone: Yes and pinched and poked and...
Been on TV: No but in Aftonbladet and Expressen
MY FIRST..............
Best friend: Johanna
Car: "My" Renault Clio (blue)
Love: Otto, Finnish boy in Frankfurt
Pet: Dog; St Bernard by the name Kelly
Vacation abroad that you remember: Cyprus, 3 years old
Job: At mom's job
Bought CD: Don't remember
Consert: Queen, I think...
Drunken party: Anni's 18th birthday party
WOULD YOU............
Dare to sky dive: Doubtful
Dare to bungyjump: See above
Date someone with a lot of tattoo's: Yes
Call yourself happy: Yes according to my definition
Rather take the picture than be on it: Depends, leaning towards "on it"
Cry over a guy: Yes
Cry over a girl: Yes
Lie to someone: Depends on situation and person
Are you doing right now: Sitting in front of the fireplace in FRANCE!!
Are you doing tomorrow: Going to a huge chocolate exhibition, don't be top jealous...
Do you say to yourself when everything is shit: Swears and incomprehensible mumbling
Do you bring to the movies: Popcorn (salted)! And soda (against the salt)
Is the first thing that grabs your attention on the opposite sex: Face
Do you think about love: Can't live without it
Is your most expensive piece of cloth: Ballroom dress, mint green with small "diamonds"
About make up: FUN, but I haven't got too much of it or knowledge about it...
Person that sent you an SMS: Terese/Tea
Person that gave you a hug: Nadia, but "cheekkisses" Adrinée (the french version you know...)
Person that called you: Adrinée
Person you called: Adrinée
Cocktail you had: Does Smirnoff Ice count?
Road trip: To St Germain en Laye with Tea =P
Jag utmanar
Tea: http://www.tereseparis.blogg.se/
Carro/Elgen: http://www.elgensliv.blogg.se/
Lollo/Shrek: http://www.lony.blogg.se/
Jaså, här får man veta saker....
Har du kollat på flygbiljetten jag skickade häromdagen?? Om du gör det kan du se att resan tillbaks till Paris sker 29JAN !!! Vete faan hur det gick till, men klagade hos SAS (efter 45 min telefonkö!) och hävdade att det var deras internsida som inte kunde hålla reda på månaderna, vilket det även var (enligt mig). Och lyckades ivillket fall undvika en ombokningskostnad på 500, tyvärr blev biljetten dyrare, och jag som trodde jag gjort ett klipp!! Så jävla typiskt! Har ikväll bokat en lägenhet, den var ledig igår, så jag hoppas att den fortfarande är det. Den ligger vid en Metro station som heter Brochand. Gå in på www.parisexperten.se -> lägenhet 3 näter -> område 17 -> CLASSIC PUCET så ser du.
Puss & go natt
MEN SANNA!!! innan du påstår att min 18-årsfest var en fyllefest här i din officiella blogg kan du väl fråga mig!! :P
det där med chokladutställning lät förresten inte ett dugg intressant... (jag sitter inte alls här och dreglar)
haha men det var en HEMSK halloween fest utan dig ;)
Dessutom antar jag att ni också gjorde något trevligt i fredagskväll, och att du inte alls saknade oss :P